Tenimenti Civa


Bellazoia is a delightful village in the Colli Orientali del Friuli, a land of vines and wines, of fertile, generous hills. This is where Azienda Agricola Tenimenti Civa was created, and where Valerio Civa’s dream has taken shape: to promote and spread knowledge of the Ribolla Gialla grape variety. His dream is shared with the young team of professionals who work at the winery.

In this small town, set between the hills of the Julian Prealps and the high plains of Friuli, we grow not only Ribolla, but also other white grape varieties: Friulano, Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay and Glera. Our red grape varieties, meanwhile, include Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, Schioppettino, Merlot and Cabernet.

We farm the land with attention and respect, trying to safeguard the beauty of the environment that hosts us. In order to offer ageable, richly nuanced wines, we focus on the ripeness of the fruit.

We are committed to ensuring that our wines express both tradition and modern quality. This is why we welcome innovations, in the rows and at the winery, which help us achieve our goal.

Welcome to Friuli! A unique climate and unforgettable wines.
Benvignûs in Friûl! Clime unic e vins di recuardâ par simpri.

Ribolla Gialla ``DOC``

Out jewel

We believe in Ribolla Gialla, the present and future of a magnificent land: Friuli Venezia Giulia!

We have dedicated an Ambitious project to it, which we aim to develop and consolidate over time. This grape variety has deep historical links with the territory. There is no doubt that a part of the Colli Orientali del Friuli and the Gorizia Hills, on both the Italian and Slovenian side, are known as the homeland of this wine.

The characteristics of this grape, with its natural acidity and richness of flavour, make it particularly suitable for the production of still, sparkling and semi-sparkling wines that consumers increasingly seek out and appreciate for their attractive drinkability.

A traditional song goes like this:

Water, water, always water,
and never a drop of wine.
If one day it rained Ribolla
Our destiny would be so fine.

We believe in that destiny!

Ribolla Gialla ``DOC``

Our jewel

We believe in Ribolla Gialla, the present and future of a magnificent land: Friuli Venezia Giulia!

We have dedicated an Ambitious project to it, which we aim to develop and consolidate over time. This grape variety has deep historical links with the territory. There is no doubt that a part of the Colli Orientali del Friuli and the Gorizia Hills, on both the Italian and Slovenian side, are known as the homeland of this wine.

The characteristics of this grape, with its natural acidity and richness of flavour, make it particularly suitable for the production of still, sparkling and semi-sparkling wines that consumers increasingly seek out and appreciate for their attractive drinkability.

A traditional song goes like this:

Water, water, always water,
and never a drop of wine.
If one day it rained Ribolla
Our destiny would be so fine.

We believe in that destiny!

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