Wine words with D and E


Drinkable: used to describe wines that are uncomplicated and pleasant to drink.

Dry: describes a wine that is completely fermented and thus wholly or almost entirely lacks residual sugar.



Edgy (Spigoloso): used to describe a wine displaying a marked lack of softness.

Effervescent (Effervescente): typical of spumantes or semi-sparkling wines. The sensation in the mouth is that of a light pricking, which can become unpleasant if the fizz is aggressive rather than gentle.

Elegant (Elegante): used to describe a wine that stands out for its grace and harmony.

Evolved (Etereo): used to describe a wine with a pungent yet attractive nose. It is frequent in aged wines whose bouquet has developed over time. It is considered a quality when combined with other aromas, provided it does not overpower them. When notes of alcohol, soap, varnish, candle wax or acetone can be perceived, however, these generally compromise the quality of the wine. It may however be necessary to taste the wine again at a later date to see if it has shed itself of these secondary odours.


Maria Cristina Pugnetti

Communications and Marketing Responsable

Società Agricola Tenimenti Civa


Via Subida, 16

Bellazoia 33040 Povoletto (Udine)




366 912 7428


tel: 0432 177 0382