Valerio Civa among the speakers at the Global Summit Vino 4.0

The “Vino 4.0” Global Summit, organized by Gambero Rosso in Rome at the Sheraton Hotel Conference Center on 17 February, was packed. The meeting had been eagerly awaited due to the topics of great interest to be dealt with. Over fifty speakers took part, including figures from both the traditional wine shop trade and large-scale retail, sommeliers, key figures in catering and restaurants, and important figures in e-commerce and international trade.

The debate focused on marketing, distribution and promotion strategies in order to increasingly enhance the production of quality wine in and outside Italy and to increase profit margins across the sector.

One of the main speakers at the summit was Valerio Civa, who underlined how Azienda Agricola Tenimenti Civa has brought quality products to both small traditional wine shops, with the “Vigneto Bellazoia Grand Cru” line, and to larger retail outlets, with the “Biele Zôe” line. This approach, inspired by that of wineries in Alto Adige, has achieved similar success, thanks to the unique terroirs of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

bottiglia tenimenti civa

The end of the Summit was marked by the presentation of the first edition of the Guida Enoteche d’Italia 2020, which lists the best shops, traditional outlets, large-scale retailers and online stores for wine in Italy.

This was followed by the Great Wine Tasting to present the “Anteprima Fiere Vino”, with over 150 wines commented on by the participating wineries.

federica civa global summit vino 4.0


Maria Cristina Pugnetti

Resp.le comunicazione e marketing

Società Agricola Tenimenti Civa

Via Subida, 16

Bellazoia 33040 Povoletto (Udine) – Italia


366 912 7428


tel: 0432 177 0382